



We believe our students deserve a rigorous education informed by the Catholic intellectual tradition.


由学校的奖学金和服务的多米尼加遗产锚定, 主教(merrill Lynch) 高中 provides a college preparatory education with an emphasis on a student’s total formation. 


毕晓普林奇的学生在最先进的设施中学习, 包括几个技术增强的主动学习教室. 


主教(merrill Lynch) 高中 has implemented Universal Design for Learning across the school’s academic quadrant. By customizing classroom teaching and assessments for various learning levels, 林奇主教在学生所在的地方会见他们,并为他们的成长定位.


主教林奇提供了几个学习水平:大学先修课程/双学分, 荣誉, 常规的, 和必需品,所以更广泛的学习者可以打电话给BL家. 











作为一所大学预科高中, 主教(merrill Lynch) provides a rigorous academic program for a wide range of learners. BL提供超过120个课程, 包括大学先修课程/双录取, 荣誉, 常规的, 和基础课程. 学生们并不局限于一种学习方式. For instance, a student may be enrolled in AP English III and an essentials-level chemistry course. 



忠实的. 有爱心的. 专用的.

这些都是澳门新葡京博彩教师的核心价值观. With solid classroom teaching experience and expertise in their chosen fields, BL的教职员工加倍努力,帮助我们的修士在学术上茁壮成长. 

Nearly 65 percent of BL faculty and staff have advanced degrees, and many are published authors.  

除了, approximately 18 percent of 主教(merrill Lynch) faculty and staff are BL alumni back to educate the next generation of Friars! 



As 主教(merrill Lynch) 高中 continues to implement Universal Design for Learning (UDL) into the curriculum and instruction on campus, BL teacher Amy 惠勒 is piloting new Project Based Learning (PBL) in her Advanced Placement (AP) World History class. 夫人. 惠勒 is 主教(merrill Lynch)’s social studies department chair and a member of the College Board where she helps write and grade the national AP test each year. 

林奇主教,多亏了林奇夫人. 惠勒的领导, is one of only eight schools in the United States piloting Project Based Learning for World History. 夫人. 惠勒 was invited to serve as an inaugural member of the AP PBL Development Committee, and she was selected from hundreds of AP teachers based on her interest and experience.  

夫人. 惠勒’s instructional implementation will look different when PBL kicks off. Her students will participate in robust projects that drive the student-centered curriculum through sustained investigation of complex, 现实问题. 

Research shows this teaching approach can significantly improve student performance on AP exams.  

对她来说. 惠勒很高兴能在林奇主教学院试行PBL. 

“教历史是我的激情所在, 我很高兴能把这种新的学习方法介绍给我的学生. 在今年夏天我参加的全国会议上, 人们对将PBL应用到世界史有很大的期待. The time has now arrived, and I can’t wait to see PBL in practice here at 主教(merrill Lynch),” said 夫人. 惠勒.  

祝贺夫人. 惠勒 for being a leader among 主教(merrill Lynch) faculty and teachers across the country! 


伊丽莎白·冈萨雷斯在林奇主教学院教授AP人文地理学, and she embraces every opportunity for international travel to broaden her worldview and that of her students. 夫人. Gonzalez was selected for the prestigious Teacher Leadership Program sponsored by the Qatar Foundation International and the University of Texas at Austin. A cohort of only 20 K-12 educators was chosen through a highly competitive nationwide selection process for this two-year intensive professional development program that includes an immersion trip to Qatar.  

感谢夫人. 冈萨雷斯的旅行和对顶级继续教育的追求, freshman students in her AP Human Geography class have a front-row seat to fascinating real-world lectures on history, 地理和时事.  



雷切尔·杰伊在主教林奇教英语II和荣誉英语II, 但你会发现她在课堂上也融入了戏剧和神学. 夫人. 周杰伦在高中和大学期间都在演戏, so her enthusiastic classroom presentation skills include nods to her performative past. 夫人. Jay also brings Catholic Intellectual Tradition into her classroom through her approach to the texts students read and their thought-provoking literary discussions.  

With a bachelor’s degree in English from the University of 达拉斯 and a master’s degree through the Pacific Alliance for Catholic Education at the University of Portland, 夫人. 杰伊在二年级的班级里灌输了对学习和阅读的热爱.  


Dr. 雷伊安德雷德 

Dr. 雷伊安德雷德 teaches pre-calculus and advanced quantitative reasoning at 主教(merrill Lynch) 高中. Dr. Andrade has been an adjunct mathematics professor at 达拉斯 College for more than 20 years, and he brings his post-secondary teaching experience and his impressive educational background (Master of Arts in Mathematics and a Doctor of Education in Educational Management from Cebu Normal University in the Philippines) to the BL campus.  

Dr. 安德拉德相信他的学生在实践中学得最好, 所以他结合了合作, 同侪教学和在线课堂学习平台, 这些都有助于学生的成功! 



主教(merrill Lynch) has experienced and licensed counselors to guide students every step of the way during the high school journey and college search process. 




主教林奇是一个自带设备(BYOD)学校. The BYOD program furthers the school’s mission to prepare students for college and the world beyond. BL takes advantage of the enormous power of technology by ensuring that it is in the hands of every student. 







BLHS is accredited by the Texas Catholic Conference Bishops Education Department (TCCBED) and Cognia. 

主教(merrill Lynch) requires students to exceed the number of credits required to earn the Recommended 高中 Plan (RHSP) as defined by TCCBED. 主教(merrill Lynch) is a Catholic high school with a college preparatory curriculum that embraces the Catholic intellectual tradition. The school is committed to providing its enrolled students with the opportunity to learn and grow in preparation for education in college and university. The entire school program is focused on the achievement of the graduation outcomes in alignment with the school’s mission to “strive for excellence, 寻求真理, 为世界的正义而努力.”